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Our Partnership Schools

    Nakatembe Primary School Built by FFYIA

Nakatembe Primary School is located in a rural, countryside community, built by FFYIA What began as grassland, now has a finished building and,well covered  constructed toilets. It also serves and feeds over 400 children daily. Along with the  help of  dioceses of Church of Uganda, helps to pay teachers and administration, school uniforms, food and school supplies. 

Uganda is in a period of peace, families are rebuilding from historical civil war and famine. There is no time like now to continue to establish educational facilities and infrastructure for parents willing to embrace education for their children they could not otherwise afford. We are helping to bring the opportunity of school to Ugandans as there is no free/government sponsored public education system.

The Budaada Sure House School


Starting as a shed in 2008, this school housed about 80 students and was quickly embraced by the community of the Budaada Village, Kayunga District, Uganda. A primary school building was built in 2009 with four classrooms. It has grown to school 300 children. We are blessed to offer free education to the orphans, ranging from grades 1 -to 7.

We encourage other local working community families to register their children, too. Their child's school fees and our donations raised in the US enable us to cover expenses for the orphans' supplies and pay wages for our teachers and administrative staff.

In 2013, volunteers from Holland and other supporters helped to install the roof of the school! Thanks to the Rotary Club of Beverly Hills, FFYIA was able to install the new benches and desks for the students. 

The Sure House Maboga Primary School

Located in Maboga Village of the Ssese Islands, Kalangala District of Uganda, the school is a 40 minutes ferry ride across Lake Victoria from the capital of Kampala.


The island on one side presents wealth, white sand beaches and a paradise for local and international tourism. The other is characterized by high levels of illiteracy, HIV/AIDS, poverty, high pregnancy rates and alcoholism. This culminated in big numbers of unwanted babies, and orphaned children, among the high levels of infant mortality. The fishing industry dominates as a source of income for many. Women often sell cigarettes and booze and participate in subsistence agriculture.


In 2007, FFYIA was inspired to intervene and headed up a school build project to provide hope for the children of these forgotten, destitute communities on the islands. A group of volunteers and donors from Boise, ID, USA, Holland and local Ugandans joined together and converted the space into a nursery and formal primary school, starting with 40 children numbers grew to100. We continue to encourage parents to enroll their children in school while we raised funds and sponsorships to cover their fees. 

Florence For Youth Education Center  Bugiri

Bugiri is our most recent build and largest! Located near the Kenyan border, these communities' children are very susceptible to corruption, rape and human trafficking.


In an effort to institute and establish education within the communities, we purchased about three acres and now own about five, with the hopes of a play field for them to run and play freely and safely. 


A two-storyed building is in the final construction phases and with two well water already installed, the community is full of joy and inspiration. The men and women of the locals have organized their own "PTA." We purchase the fabric  and we late the local people makes the  children uniforms, and we pay them. We try to support the community to be part of the school and we cook for the students each day, where most of them were going to bed hungry or will receive

the only meal for the day. We also provide medical  treatment to all the students, and  for the young girls who would not attend school when in their menstruating cycle.

We are grateful to Days For Girls Organization for donating to us the reusable pad packages to enable our girls  to attend school regularity. A bustling school and indefatigable community members make this a very cool project to be a part of us! We have now taught our women organization to make them locally it it has been helpfull to many girls and mothers.

Kiryokya Nursing School

Where do our students go after primary school has been completed? We were presented with this question as they continued to grow in their education. 

Kiryokya School of Health Sciences was born out of this necessity for life after primary and secondary school. The main objective is to teach midwifery among the other medical subjects and knowledge their shelves desired to be filled with.


With a clean space to learn and an abundance of land to continue to cultivate, the school harbours male and female students with the same potential in mind and spirit. 

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